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Bulk Cement Semi Trailer

Update: 2024/9/21??????View:
  • Brand: ???Dongrun
  • Type: ???4-Axles Bulk Cement Semi Trailer
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?Bulk Cement Semi Trailer

The advantages of bulk cement semi-trailers mainly include saving packaging materials and energy, environmental protection advantages, price and quality compatibility advantages, shortening the transportation cycle, reducing transportation costs, large-volume design and large use space, and compact closed hydraulic circuit system to improve work Efficient, high-quality steel made of low wear, easy to maintain, simple to clean and easy to operate. ?

Bulk cement semi-trailers have obvious advantages over bagged cement. First of all, bulk cement transportation tools are more compact and can save more space, thereby reducing material consumption, energy consumption and environmental pollution, which has significant environmental advantages. Secondly, the price of bulk cement is usually about 20 to 30% cheaper than bagged cement, and its quality is also better than bagged cement. This not only reduces costs but also ensures quality for users such as mixing stations. ?. In addition, the design and use of bulk cement semi-trailers can shorten the transportation cycle, reduce transportation costs, and improve work efficiency. Its large-volume design has a large use space, and the compact closed hydraulic circuit system improves work efficiency. Excellent steel production ensures low wear, easy maintenance, simple cleaning, and convenient operation. It is a rare product on the market?.

To sum up, through its design and technological innovation, bulk cement semi-trailers not only perform well in terms of environmental protection and cost, but also show advantages in improving work efficiency and maintenance convenience, and are a recommended choice in the modern logistics and construction industries.

 Curb weight


 Overall size


 Load weight




 King pin

 2 inches or 3.5 inches optional


 13T *4 BPW/FUWA Axle


 Mechanical suspention/air suspention

 Tank capacity

 45 cubic meter

 Diesel Generator

 1 group,famous Chinese brand

 Tank material

 Carbon Steel

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