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Concrete mixer truck WSH5310GJBR1

Update: 2018/5/28??????View:
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生產(chǎn)企業(yè)信息(Company Information
車輛名稱(Name) 混凝土攪拌運輸車(Concrete mixer truck) 車輛類型(Type) 半掛車法律法規(guī)(Semi-trailer laws and regulations)
制造地( Manufacturing country: ) 中國(China 牌照類型(License type) 車輛號牌分類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(Vehicle flapper group standard)
公告批次(Notice batch) 306 發(fā)布日期(Release date ) 20180404
產(chǎn)品號(ID ) 目錄序號(N0.) (十七)46
中文品牌(CN brand ) 東潤牌(DONRAIN) 英文品牌(EN brand ) DONGRUN,DONRAIN
公告型號(Model ) WSH5310GJBR1 免征(Duty-free ) 否(NO)
企業(yè)名稱(Company) 湖北東潤汽車有限公司(Hubei Dongrun Automobile Co., Ltd. 燃油(Oil) 否(NO)
企業(yè)地址(Add) 襄陽市高新區(qū)深圳工業(yè)園特88(Special 88#, Shenzhen industrial Park, high-tech zone, xiangyang city, Hubei Province, China (PC 441000)) 環(huán)保(EP) 否(NO)
免檢說明(Exemption Information)
免檢(Exemption) 否(NO 免檢有效期止(Exemption term of validity)  
公告狀態(tài)(Notice Information)
公告狀態(tài)(State) 有效(Effective) 公告生效日期(Benginng) 20180404
公告狀態(tài)描述(Describe) 擴展(Expansion) 變更(擴展)記錄(Change (expansion) record )  
主要技術(shù)參數(shù)(Technology Information )
外形尺寸(Overall Size mm:) 10950,10700×2500,2550×3995(mm)  貨廂尺寸(Box Size) ××(mm) 
總質(zhì)量(G.V.W.R ) 31000(Kg)  載質(zhì)量利用系數(shù)(Load mass utilization factor)  
整備質(zhì)量(Tare Weight ) 16800(Kg)  額定載質(zhì)量(Payload) 14070(Kg) 
掛車質(zhì)量(Weight ) (kg) 半掛鞍座(Saddle)  
駕駛室(Cab )   前排乘客(Front passenger ) 2(人)
額定載客(Rated passenger capacity) (人) 防抱死系統(tǒng)(ABS)
接近角/離去角(Approach angle / departure angle) 28/12,28/13(°) 前懸/后懸(Front / rear suspension) 1460/2830,1460/2580(mm) 
軸荷(Axle load) 6500/6500/18000(二軸組) 軸距(Wheelbase) 1850+3400+1410(mm) 
軸數(shù)(Alex number) 4 最高車速(Max speed) 90(km/h)
油耗(oil wear) 39.91 彈簧片數(shù)(Number of spring) 2011/11/13
輪胎數(shù)(Tire number) 12 輪胎規(guī)格(tire size) 12R22.5,11.00R20,295/80R22.5
前輪距(Front track) 2060/2060  后輪距(Rear wheel) 1855/1855 
制動前(Before braking)   制動后(After braking)  
制操前(Pre exercise)   制操后(After exercise)  
轉(zhuǎn)向形式(Steering type) 方向盤(Steering wheel) 起動方式(Start mode)  
傳動型式(drive system)   油耗(oil wear)(L/100Km) 39.91
Vin車輛識別代碼(Vin Identification code): LYC1CH81×××××××××
發(fā)動機參數(shù)(Engine parameter)
發(fā)動機(Engine) 發(fā)動機生產(chǎn)企業(yè)(Engine manufacturer) 排量(ml)displacement  ml) 功率(kw) Power (kw)
P11C-WC 上海日野發(fā)動機有限公司(Shanghai Nye Engine Co., Ltd.) 10520 259
P11C-WE 上海日野發(fā)動機有限公司(Shanghai Nye Engine Co., Ltd.) 10520 309
車輛燃料參數(shù)(Vehicle fuel parameter)
燃料種類(Fuel type) 柴油(Diesel oil) 依據(jù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(Standards)
底盤排放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(Chassis emission standard) 國五(Country five)
其他 (Others)
The 1. tank agitation capacity is 6.4 cubic meters; the 2. side protective materials are aluminum alloy, the rear protection material is Q235, the side / rear protection and the frame are all bolt connected, the rear protection cross section size is 120mm x 120mm, the ground height is 500mm; 3. is equipped with the satellite positioning function recorder; 4.ABS producing manufacturer / model: WABCO/89540-E004*; 5. the car only chooses P11C-W The corresponding value of engine / fuel consumption of C engine is P11C-WC/39.91L/100km
反光標(biāo)識參數(shù)(Reflective marking parameter)
標(biāo)識企業(yè)(manufacturer) 常州華日升反光材料有限公司;濰坊勝達(dá)反光材料有限公司(Changzhou Hua RI Sheng reflective material Co., Ltd.; Weifang Shengda reflective material Co., Ltd. 標(biāo)識商標(biāo)(Logo) 通明牌;勝達(dá)(tongming;shengda)
標(biāo)識型號(Identification type) TM1200-1;SD1300

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